xy planning network
A lot of millennials believe financial advisors are only for the wealthy. And they equate fiscal responsibility with an austere and boring life.
XY is a diverse network of experienced advisors who don’t require minimum portfolio amounts to do business. Our campaign introduces XY to millennials by communicating that, with solid financial planning, indulgence need not be written off.
Platform: Print, Direct Mail, Instagram
Target: Middle income 20 and 30 somethings w/o children
Art: Jack Barnet
Copy: Maggie Williams & Michael Wellvang
LEFT: “It wouldn’t be fair if you had your own gold grillz but your gold grillz didn’t have their own gold grillz. Just like it wouldn’t be fair if we required a minimum savings account balance to speak with an XY financial advisor.
MIDDLE: “What’s better than a $10,000 Anubis statue for your office? Another $10,000 Anubis statue for your hallway. That may be a splurge of a steal depending on your budget, but XY’s financial planners are here for you either way. Because good financial advice should be available to all.”
RIGHT: “If a $2,500 canopy bed is what it takes to ensure Princess Fiona leaves your slippers alone at night, so bit. XY’s planners have the financial advice to make it happen. No matter your budget.”